Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Loud Fireworks

I see why people love the Fourth of July. BBQs, beaches, and baseball are all in full effect. But in New York its a little different. It's illegal to grill in apartments (yes, even if you have a balcony), the traffic is so awful getting to the Hamptons its probably faster jetting to the South of France, and its hot, almost too hot to go to a baseball game. So because of all the above (meaning I had no plans) I decided just to stay in my apartment all weekend. Just to top off the anti-July Fourth weekend, I decided to get sushi to celebrate our independence. Coming to think of it, last year I did the same thing. I was down the shore with my close friend from college, Farrah, and we got sushi also. But at least I was at the beach!

To be honest with you, I actually completely forgot about the fireworks. I remember when I was little and watching the fireworks from my parents friends DC office buildings and hating it. It was so damn loud and went on way too long. So because of that, I tried to block out fireworks from my memory. I was at the supermarket last night food shopping around 9:30 and started to hear thunder like noises. Yup, the fireworks have started. Ugh. (Don't worry, just because I'm retired, doesn't mean I'm cooking. I was just going for my essentials; pretzels, seltzer water and Oreos.) I get home and actually notice I have a great view of the fireworks, it would be perfect if the Time Warner Buildings weren't there. They literally go on a good 45 minutes. Really?? After 45 seconds I'm sick of them. Also I'm thinking, who the hell pays for these? How about Obama raises unemployment money and cuts out these silly fireworks. Actually, I think that would be a good platform to run on. Should I run of President? Umm, naw. "Hey, I'm Retired at 28'!


  1. A few things...

    1. Good essentials at supermarket but you may want to sub in pretzel chips instead of pretzels every now and then...they are quite delicious.

    2. The fireworks are literally about half the 45 minutes you said they lasted...in actuality it was only 25 minutes...which in my opinion was about 5-10 minutes too long. I think they should just do a longer grand finale instead of dragging out the middle which no one cares about after 10 minutes of watching.

    3. I think you need to complain to Bloomberg and not Obama about the fireworks as I am quite sure the fireworks are not paid by the national government but rather the states and the cities.

  2. A few comments back...

    1.) Have you ever tried Snyder's of Hanover Hard Preztels? I literally eat a box at a time, but now thinking about it, thats probably standard for you.

    2.) How about getting rid of everything and JUST having the grand finale be 30 seconds?

    3.) Good call but question for you. Which state pays for them? If they are over the Hudson River that definitely means they are being shot off from Jersey and in that case, who cares about Jersey?
