Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Savannas, Grass Tennis Courts, Gin Lane....OH MY!

Only one thing should come to mind when you read the title line.....(in the Jeff Daniel character's voice from Dumb and Dumber) Ssssssouthampton. Yes, a little place off the famed traffic clogged Route 27, approximately 80 miles due east of New York in Long Island. Anyone who knows me personally or from the blog knows that I hate Long Island. The women scare me, the strip malls scare me, the homogeneous houses and cars scare me; it all freaks me out! But once you pass the Shinnecock Bay, the Island of Long turns back to normalcy. Very good family friends have a beautiful house out there and they are gracious enough to let me enjoy the ridiculousness that Southampton has to offer.

The main reason I love going out there is for the bike riding. It really is beautiful with lots of flat terrain which makes me feel like I'm in good physical shape. Within ten minutes of the ride, I knew I wasn't in Kansas anymore. Paul and I biked past a tennis club. But let me explain, this wasn't any run of the mill fancy country club you find in a beach town. Things out there have to go to the next extreme; grass tennis courts only. Where the hell were we? Wimbledon? Dress attire strictly collared whites. Only thing missing were little brown-skinned ball boys.

Biking on the roads along the beach were absolutely insane. Imagine if Park Avenue transformed into a country paradise; that is what Gin Lane and Meadow Lane are. And instead of doormen they have hedges higher than some of the Park Avenue buildings! Something I also noticed was that rich people name their houses. I guess it makes sense, people name boats, so why not houses? My two favorite names were, "Sittin Pretty" and "Sandtrap".  Must be nice!!

You have to excuse me, but I lied before. The main reason I love the Hamptons isn't because of the beautiful landscape. The main reason, and quite frankly the only reason, is because of Savannas; the Hamptons based spin off of T-Bar. Same rules apply also. Leave phones and cameras at the door. What Happens at Savannas, Stays at Savannas! Sorry!! "Hey, I'm Retired at 28!"

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